合作領域 | |
我們竭誠歡迎有意投身建設中華民族文化事業的有志之士的加盟,我們真誠希望在下列領域內與您合作: 1、民族時訊:及時、準確、翔實地報道有關民族類新聞。同時也歡迎您提供有關民族類的新聞。 2、民族文字圖書:我們擁有國內一流的編輯隊伍和少數民族語言的翻譯隊伍。目前, 我們除了出版漢文圖書外,同時還出版蒙、藏、維吾爾、哈薩克、朝等五種少數民族文字圖書,另外還出版外文圖書。 3、版權貿易:利用互聯網,實現出版社和其他出版商之間的版權貿易。 4、出版工程與合作:利用互聯網尋求選題合作、出版合作、發行合作、編輯合作、印刷合作、排版合作等多項目的合作;同時我們還尋求國內外出版業同仁的合作。 5、民族人才:介紹在我國的經濟、文化、藝術、教育、新聞、出版等諸領域里,有成就的少數民族人才;介紹活躍在我國民族諸多領域內的漢族專家學者;介紹在世界學術界研究中國民族問題的專家學者。 6、民族藝術:以獨特的視角, 在民族服飾、民族建筑、民族音樂、民族舞蹈、民族工藝品、民族藝術團體等領域,為您架起了解少數民族藝術的橋梁。 7、中國西部:把握時代脈搏,全面、翔實報道我國西部大開發戰略的相關政策和西部地區的有關信息,帶您了解西部,帶您認識西部、帶您走進西部。 8、網站經營:尋求共同經營東方民族網的戰略合作伙伴,繁榮少數民族文化,引領中華民族文化的新潮流。 |
合作原則 | |
雙贏,在互惠互利中建立牢固的合作伙伴關系 |
合作目標 | |
充分發揮各自的人才優勢,深入挖掘項目的潛力,用前瞻性的眼光,進一步開展東方民族網與合作伙伴之間更廣泛的合作。通過我們共同的努力,將達到: 1、欄目設置已充分考慮到世界民族學、人類學、社會學、語言學、新聞學、人類文化學、人力資源等諸多學科的特點,具有較高的起點,力爭在世界民族文化領域的專業化交流與合作中占有一席之地。 2、創建一個中華民族文化與世界民族文化之間對話與溝通的窗口,鋪設一條研究各民族優秀文化的信息高速路。 3、促進民族地區的經濟發展,豐富有利于社會進步的中外科學文化知識。 |
The Company Introduces
Beijing Jinrilongmai Technologies Co.Ltd is( registration to Beijing Haidian science and technology area technical specialized development enterprise.
Mainly is engaged in the research wide band network new technology and the correlation product development, service and so on electronic commerce, electronic government affairs software development, technical consultation and system integration.The company closely pays attention to the new technical development direction,Carries on the Intenet website constructs.The enterprise electronic commerce stand development design constructs,The software foundation development and two time develops,service and so on data development.The company by the interactive stand management system, service and so on WEB database system, the company has the very strong development ability.
And succeeded completes the many project items, the Beijing traffic broadcasting station's traffic state of roads broadcasts the newspaper system, the Beijing Broadcast Station audience manages the service system and so on...Lets the customer convenience immediately feeds back from already information, greatly enhances the work potency.
Simultaneously the company in corresponds the sip agreement and the above application.At present already completed the server the test and the disposition, promoted for the enterprise and individual user based on the INTERNET IP network conference telephone, the on-line 800 customers service, was allowed to cause in the group between various branch offices to relate conveniently, is highly effective, is full, the prompt communication, converses on the telephone the expense actually for zero (so long as various branch offices could above Internet, be allowed free to make the international domestic long-distance IP phone call).
Simultaneously under flag Chinese 56 nations commerce network, is by the national culture, the traveling, the nation handicraft domain vertical gateway website, uses B2B using Internet, the B2C commercial pattern, establishes the factory and user's communication channel, provides the enterprise sells the platform to enterprise's electronic commerce.
This company has one high scientists and technicians's professional contingent, in line with take the science and technology as the guide, leans on the Zhongguan Village institutions of higher learning giant talented person storehouse, respects the knowledge, respects the talented person develops the foundation for the enterprise, positively puts the Chinese software industry the development, through provides the international standardized product and serves improves people's work and the life style, finally realizes enterprise's growth and expands.