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Papercuts and Silhouettes(3)

2009-02-26 17:39:13 作者:phpcms 來源: 瀏覽次數:0 網友評論 0


Shanxi Leather Silhouette
\ It is flourished in the Qing Dynasty, which falls into two categores: south sect and north sect. The south sect are widely inthe south of Shanxi Province famous for its decoration; the north sect is widely spread in the north of Shanxi Province with its style much influenced by the west sect of Beijing leather silhouette.


Sha'anxi Leather Silhouette
\ It is widely spread in the north, south and middle of Shaanxi Province. In the squires" or ordinary household they had silhouette box on different skills. The size and shape of silhouette figures vary with different sects. The east sect is famous for its small silhouette figures, and the west sect for its figures with great noses and the south sect for its figure's size between the two formers.


Gansu Leather Silhouette
\ It is mainly spread in Longdong, Gansu Province. It is said that it appeared in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Of many sects, the leather play accompanied by the song concerned with the folk tales is the most outstanding. Its musical instruments are drums, throwing sticks, four-stringed zither and little horn. Its scenic props are in small size.


Shandong Leather Silhouette
It is said that it came from Luanzhou, Hebei Province. In the Qing Dynasty it was widely spread all over the province. Its silhouette figures are rustically modelled, roughly engraved and elegantly coloured. Its performance is accompanied by the song in the tone of Liuqin Opera.


Sichuan Leather Silhouette
It is called "lamp silhouette play." It flourished in the Qing Dynasty and is divided into two sects. The east sect is distributed in the north and east of Sichuan Province. Its silhouette figures are modelled in vertical lines and delicately engraved.The west is distributed in Chengdu. The size and shape of the silhouette figures are affected by Beijing silhouette play.


Tengchong Leather Silhouette Play
It is distributed mainly in Tengchong County, Yunnan Province. It is locally called "lamp silhouette, leather figure play", etc. It is said that at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty the immigrants from the south of the Changjiang River, Hubei and Guangdong Provinces, came here and brought the silhouette play. Its performing unit is the village. The silhouette figures are mainly made of cow hide and plainly modelled in circling lines. It is accompanied by the western tone or the eastern tone.


Jiangsu Leather Silhouette Play
It is mainly distributed in Nanjing, Xuzhou, Suzhou, etc. and came from Jinan, Shandong Province in the 50's. People established the Sunflower Silhouette Show Troupe and put on plays in Confucius Temple. It is accompanied by the song sung in the tone of the Liuqin Opera. Its silhouette figure is about 34 cms tall.


Zhejiang Leather Silhouette Play
\ It is performed on the occasion of festivals and folk rituals. In order to pray for a good harvest of silkworm mulberry, people would put on the "mulberry flower play". If someone is found guilty of stealth, he would be fined. The villagers would put on the taboo play.The "prayer play" would be performed on the occasion of seeking gods and worshiping Buddha. A play would also be performed on the occasion of putting the beam in the place. A consummation play would be put on for a wedding. Its silhouette figure is less engraved. Its facial features and costumes are dyed in bright colours.


Taiwan Leather Silhouette Play
The native people in Taiwan call it "leather monkey play." It is said that it came from the south of the mainland and is mainly distributed in Gaoxiong County. The silhouette figure is about 24 cms tall and modelled in curving lines and less coloured.



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