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Decoration and Paper Articles(1)

2009-02-26 17:04:38 作者:phpcms 來源: 瀏覽次數:0 網友評論 0


Mounting Picture
 It refers to a method of mounting picture with a paper material.


Dressing Picture
It is a general name for mounting picture


Thirteen Slantings of Mounting Picture
It refers to the thirteen procedures of mounting picture.


Suzhou Picture Mounting
It originated from Suzhou, Jiangsu Province in the middle of Ming Dynasty and became well known all over the country in 1736.


It is a way of mounting Chinese calligraphy and picture. It consists of horizontal and vertical forms.


Panorama Screen
It is a way of mounting Chinese calligraphy and painting. It divides a complete picture in parts to mount it.


It is a way of mounting Chinese calligraphy and painting.


It is a way of mounting Chinese painting.


Whirlwind Picture Mounting
\ It is a way of mounting Chinese books.


Folded Picture Mounting
\ It is a way of mounting Chinese books.
Butterfly Mounting Picture
\ It is a way of mounting Chinese calligraphy and picture and flourished in the Song Dynasty.


Thread Binding
It is a skill of binding books, and the last form of traditional book binding art. It is emerged in the Ming Dynasty.


Shop Signboard
\ It is an advertising form of shops. The signboard is eye-catching with tassels.


Shop Cloth Sign
\ In ancient time it was used by pub to attract customers.


Wine Curtain
It is a wine shop sign used to attract customers.



Gate Tower
It is made of colourful paper or brocade at the gate of shops. It is also called "happy gate."



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    • 驗證碼:
  • 文章排行
  • 文化
  • 旅游
  • 工藝
  • 飲食